A curette is a surgical instrument designed for scraping biological tissue or debris in a biopsy, excision, or cleaning procedure. In form, the instrument is a small hand tool, often similar in shape to a stylus; at the tip is a small scoop, hook, or gouge.
Adenoid Curettes
Bone Curettes
Dental Curettes
Dermatological Curettes
Ear Curettes
Gynecology Curettes
Neurosurgical Curettes
Ophthalmic Curettes
Periodontal Curettes
Podiatric Curettes
Universal Curettes
Uses of Curette
Surgeons often use the instrument for the debridement of tissue, a common example of which is dilation and curettage of the uterus performed in gynecology.
In the performance of an adenoidectomy, an otolaryngologist may view the adenoids using a mirror or endoscope, and then excise the adenoids with the curette.
In periodontology, the edged hook of the periodontal curette scrapes calculus (tartar) deposits from tooth enamel.