Dissecting scissors are scissors used for cutting and dissection of various tissues. They are widely used in hospitals and health care units for any surgical procedure. It is designed for separating tissues. They are to be used with caution, because it is much more sharper than the usual scissors.
Types of dissecting scissors
Dissecting scissors may have curved or straight blades. The straight scissors have very sharp tips. The two sharp point blades in the dissecting scissors find great use where any dissection work is needed or in professional laboratory or in any home. The curved scissors are more preferred by the surgeons for dissecting as they provide better vision of the operated area. The tips of scissors are also used to spread and probe the area of incision. The smaller sizes are used at the surface, the larger sizes deeper in the cavities. This curved blades have tips that are rounded to avoid possible damage to structures during dissection.
Examples of a Dissecting Scissor include Mayo scissors, and Metzenbaum scissors.

Features of dissecting scissors
- Aids in Smooth operation.
- Engineered and designed for proper tension.
- Correct tension, combined with blade sharpness in such scissors results in quality cutting every time.
- The sharp blade scissors are useful for cutting dense tissues.
- The sharp blade feature blades are suitable for suturing.
Uses of Dissecting Scissor
- Use to separate tissues.
- For dissecting.
- Usually used in surgical operations.
- Cutting fine and delicate tissues.
- Cutting dense tissues.