A Filshie clip is a device with a silicone lining that's used to prevent pregnancy by blocking blood flow to the fallopian tubes. It's a type of contraceptive tubal occlusion device (TOD) that's been used for sterilization procedures since 1981.
During a tubal ligation procedure, a surgeon makes two small cuts and places a Filshie clip on each fallopian tube. The clips permanently close the tubes by causing pressure necrosis, and usually fall off after the tissue has been absorbed.
Uses and Application
Filshie Clip is used in Tubal Ligation. The device is smaller than a penny and designed to occlude the tube with minimal destruction. It is made of titanium with a silicone rubber lining, which expands to keep the tube compressed as it flattens. Using a customized applicator, the surgeon half closes the upper jaw to insert the applicator and clip though a cannula or operating laparoscope. When the surgeon releases the finger bar, the applicator and clip reopen and can be used as soft-nosed forceps to pick up the tube and examine the placement site. Once satisfied that the clip is positioned correctly, the surgeon squeezes the finger bar to its full limit. The clip is released automatically from the applicator and locked onto the tube. Ideally, the clip is applied across the isthmus, leaving an equal amount of tube on either side.
Complications with Filshie clips can be related to the surgery or the clip itself. Surgery-related complications can include misapplication of the clip, which may lead to future pregnancies. Complications related to the clip include pain or abscess formation caused by migration or extrusion. Migration of Filshie clips is common and can lead to failed sterilization. However, most women don't experience problems from migrated clips, and often don't know they're off until they have an x-ray for another reason.