Stitch Scissors, are also known as suture scissors, are primarily used for suture removal. These scissors have a small hook shaped tip on one blade that slides under sutures to slightly lift them before cutting for removal. This hook also holds the suture so it does not slip off the blade of the scissors prior to cutting.
Stitch scissors are available in wide variety. They are indispensable in most operating rooms, hospitals, and doctors’ clinics. They are available in various lengths and their usage depend on the length of the stitch. Stitch scissors are designed to perform general to the most specific of procedures and tasks.
All stitch scissors are made of surgical stainless steel. They are autoclavable. They are designed with sharp or blunt tips and curved, hooked or blunt curved blades. The top blade of the scissor is straight and the lower one is either hooked or curved out ward. The bottom blade is blunt and can easily lift and grasp the suture to be snipped.
Uses and Feature
For stitch removal; have a hook-shaped point on one blade to hook under the stitch before cutting it with the opposing blade.